ransomware attacks

Ways to Protect Operations From Ransomware Attacks


Ransomware is now the most significant cyber-threat facing the UK, according to the National Cyber Security Centre. Unlike lone threat actors, ransomware groups often reinvest a portion of their profits into hiring and training talented cyber-criminals, making them more dangerous to organisations. Protect yourself from ransomware attacks with these three tips:


Keep all software up to date -  Cyber-criminals can exploit security vulnerabilities, so timely patching is one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to minimise cyber-security risks. If possible, automate software security scanning and testing to proactively spot any security flaws.


Require multifactor authentication (MFA) - Utilise MFA (also known as two-factor authentication) for as many services as possible, particularly access-critical systems. Further, require all accounts with logins to have strong, unique passwords.


Implement user training - Train all staff on cyber-security best practices. Phishing attacks can install ransomware, so raise employee awareness about the risks of visiting suspicious websites, clicking on suspicious links or engaging with phishing emails.


Contact us today for more guidance on ransomware attacks.