summertime risks

Common Summertime Risks to Know


There are many risks and hazards created or exacerbated by the higher temperatures and long summer days.

During summertime conditions, organisations must be particularly aware of certain dangers, such as the following:


Dehydration occurs when an individual’s body loses too much water. This may occur due to overexertion, working for too long without a break or not drinking enough fluids at regular intervals. Supervisors and employees should be trained to notice symptoms of dehydration among both themselves and their colleagues, including:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Sleepiness or tiredness
  • Dry mouth or eyes
  • Muscle weakness
  • Headache
  • Dizziness or light-headedness


Heat stroke can have devastating effects on an employee’s health and well-being and may even result in death. A proper and timely response can be the difference between life and death. The following symptoms may indicate heat stroke: 

  • Lack of perspiration despite feeling hot
  • Temperature of 40C or above
  • Fast breathing or shortness of breath
  • Confusion
  • Seizure
  • Unresponsiveness or loss of consciousness


Slips and trips can be particularly prevalent during the summer due to the confusion or dizziness caused by warm conditions. Ensure workers utilise proper equipment and stay alert by keeping themselves rested and hydrated.


Vehicle accidents are frequent during the summer months. In addition to worksites being more active, there is also more traffic on roads. Remain apprised of weather conditions that may affect vehicle safety and train drivers to avoid distractions and adhere to safe driving practices.


Contact Portsoken today for additional workplace safety solutions.